


8-10千/月 均可
合肥市 经验不限
中技 2022-04-19



1. 负责测功机、水恒温、油恒温、油耗仪等测试设备的点检、维护保养及故障维修。
Dyno, water temperature control unit, oil temperature control unit, fuel meter daily check, maintenance and trouble shooting.
2. 负责台架控制系统软、硬件的点检、维护保养及故障维修。
Test bed automation software daily check, maintenance and trouble shooting.
3. 负责循环风机、循环水泵、冷却塔、进气空调、行车等试验辅助设备的点检、维护保养及维修。
Ventlation funs, cycle water pump, cooling tower, intake air conditioning system, crain and other test assisstant equipment daily check, maintenance and trouble shooting.
4. 负责传感器的标定。
Sensor calibration.
5. 负责设备、仪器台账及设备备件申报及管理。
Equipment list maintenance, spare parts purchasing application.
6. 负责制定设备保养计划并实施。
Maintenance plan preparation and carry it out.
7. 负责设备故障记录、分析及报表制作。
Equipment failure record and anlysis.
8. 处理上级领导安排的其他工作任务。
Other authorize or assignments from Superior leaders
? 汽车及机械相关专业,中技及以上学历;
Major in mechanic or automotive, Above technical school education.
? 基础知识:1、电工技术;2、电子技术;3、机械原理;4、安全生产相关知识。
Basic knowledge 1. Electrical engineering technique 2. electronic technique, 3. Mechanical theory, 4. Knowledge of production safety.
? 业务技能:1、熟悉测功机基本原理;2、熟悉自动控制原理3、熟悉电路基本知识;4、熟练使用各种通用工具;5、能够熟练操作手电钻、角磨机等电动工具;6、熟练使用办公软件。
Skill: 1.Familiar with dynamometer theory. 2. Familiar with automation control theory. 3. Basic knowledge in electrical circuit. 4. Skilled in operating tools 5. Skilled in operating drill, hand wheel etc. 6.familiar with office software.
? 必须注重细节
? Attention in details (must)
? 主动性
? Proactive attitude
