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福建天马科技集团股份有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 19357 人关注


所属行业: 农业、林业、牧业、渔业等

所在地区: 福建-福州市

公司地图:   福建天马科技集团股份有限公司

公司福利: 高温补贴 包住 包吃 加班工资 五险一金




Fujian Tianma Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.(stock code: ******) is a national key and leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization, national technological innovation demonstration enterprises and a national-level high-tech enterprise engaged in R&D, production and sales of special aquatic formula feed and a vice president unit of China Feed Industry Association, and went on public at the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange on January 17, 2017. The company’s business scope covers fields such as special aquatic feed, biological engineering and international trade. Its output and sales volume of eel is ranked top globally, its output and sales volume of large yellow croaker formula feed is ranked top nationwide, and its output and sales volume of its main business baby fishes and formula feed for special aquatic animals such as grouper, sturgeon, salmon and trout, flounder, plaice and sole, turtle, soft-shelled turtle, abalone and sea cucumber is ranked top in China.


The company has steadily promoted its brand and technology strategies through constant exploration and innovation. We have established a science and technology committee directed by Gui Jianfang, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; we have reached an industry-academy-research strategic cooperation with Xiamen University and Shanghai Ocean University; and established R&D platforms such as a national enterprise technology center, a post-doctoral research center,a workstation of academicians and experts of Fujian, a provincial enterprise technology center of Fujian, a key lab of special aquatic formula feed of Fujian, and an enterprise engineering technology research center of special aquatic formula feed of Fujian. 


Insisting on the technology philosophy of “independent innovation and developing business with technology”, we have developed high-tech products with independent intellectual property rights. Our technologies of products such as glass eel formula feed and eel extruded pellet formula feed have filled out several gaps at home; we have won 51 authorized patents; we have led and participated in the formulation and revision of 10 national, industrial and regional standards; and won 18 awards for scientific and technological progress at the provincial and municipal level.

人才资源是天马科技发展的第一资源。公司致力打造人力资源“一把手”人才战略和“258 人才工程”,集聚了国家“万人计划”科技创业领军人才、科技部科技创新创业人才、全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会委员等专业精英,形成了技术过硬、经验丰富、爱岗敬业的研发、生产、营销、服务、管理团队。

Human resource is the primary resource for the development of Tianma Tech. We are pursuing a “top leader” HR strategy and a “258 talent project”, and have gathered professional elites such as leading talents of technology entrepreneurship under the national “Special Support Program”, technology innovation and entrepreneurship talents under the Ministry of Science and Technology and members of the National Feed Industry Standardization Technology Committee, and formed R&D, production, marketing, service and management teams with solid technologies, rich experience and devotion to their jobs. 


The company “pursues outstanding quality for the mankind’s health” and has been selected in the first batch of “demonstrative enterprises for management and regulation of feed quality and safety of the Ministry of Agriculture”. While providing the special aquaculture industry with safe, efficient and environment-friendly feed products, we also provide the aquaculture producers with all-round services. Having won the social recognition, we have successively won honors such as “a national key and leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization”, “national technological innovation demonstration enterprises”,“a key high-tech enterprise in the national torch program”, “a national Top 30 feed enterprise”.


Adhering to a mission of “repaying the country with industry, improving the current status of rural areas with scientific and technological innovation”, Tianma Tech fully promotes a mid-and-long-term strategic plan of “five centers and twenty-four business departments”, aiming to construct a complete strategic sales network covering the coastal region of China ranging from the Bohai Bay at the north to the Beibu Bay at the south, grow into a globally largest supplier in the special aquatic feed industry and set up an example for the healthy and sustainable development of China’s special aquaculture industry.

职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
电商运营主管---福清 福州市 不限 不限 不限   1 4000-6000 月薪 2020-02-17   展开
行政司机 福建 高中及以上 3年以上 不限   1 3000-4000 月薪 2020-02-17   展开
成本会计(外派广东台山) 江门市 不限 不限 不限   若干 4000-6000 月薪 2020-02-17   展开
招聘专员--福清 福州市 不限 不限 不限   1 4000-6000 月薪 2020-02-17   展开
水产品营销专员 福州市 不限 不限 不限   1 4000-6000 月薪 2020-02-17   展开